Friday, May 30, 2008

Again with the breathing

I only have fifteen minutes before I have to shut down my mockputer, so this post is going to likely be a tad Jotty McJottersen.
  • I went running yesterday afternoon and had to stop 2/3 of the way back from McCarren Park to the Billyburg bridge because my nostrils hurt. At first I thought this was a function of 76 degree weather, pollen, and the fact that it was around five. "Morning runs!" I thought.
  • But then I noticed my nostrils feeling prickly and sensitive this morning, 3/4 of the way towards McCarren Park from the Billyburg. I had to stop again. "Holy crap," I realized. Pollution.
Yup, the building orgasm going on in Billyburg right now is spewing lots of dust and man-made nano-building-materials directly into my lung-holes, and it hurts, and makes it hard to breathe, and that makes me hit the pause button on my workout, which makes me angry about the environment, and makes me wish for congestion pricing.

I'm also thinking about how we as a society, as industrials, what-have-you, optimize our systems for a given equation with certain variables. Then, over time, we realize, "Oh snap. I didn't realize about these variables over here." Such as: nostrils that hurt. (What is this, Ciudad de Mexico?!?) So, 2.0, we tweak the equations (ideally).

This is related to a smoothie I made after my run. I'll post that on

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I like to breathe

Lesson learned from my run this afternoon: NYC air with a lot of particulates in it hurts my nose and makes me hit the "pause workout" button with a quickness.

Yet another data point in support of morning runs.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Garmin, you sad little thing, you

I've been running like a non-calibrated maniac as of late with my iPodplus (I loathe Nike and intend to avoid acknowledging its association with this product as much as possible) but have finally been re-issued a PC raptop at the office.

So, I tried to install the Garmin, since it's supposed to work and all.

The stick can't find my associated watch. Still searching for devices, it says.

Lesson learned: technology devices that are not optimized for Macs are technology devices that ride the short bus.

(I can say that. I used to ride the short bus.)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I've got the runs

I went for a run on Monday afternoon and just cranked a quick one out today. I caved and after seeing a demo of its power went ahead and got the Nike footpod thing for the ippid nanner. So, if you'd like to see for yourself just how stop-and-start-and-stop-and-start I am as a runner, my username is xoxoANP on nikeplus. Not sure how to link directly to my profile and/or if that's even an option, else I'd link directly.

I have more thoughts regarding sprinting vs. marathoning that perhaps I'll crank out later, but for now I am enjoying my new Mac OS interface and trying to figure out what I can delete from my startup disk to make it less full.

My startup disk just threw up a little bit into my recycle bin.