Saturday, December 29, 2007

Can't keep runnin' away

I have a complicated relationship with running, so even though
I had to do mental battle with the gladiators in my head
  • You'll never make it! You'll get tired and quit!
  • You're a jerk for being able to run when your sister can hardly walk!
Boring, I know, but hey, recognizing my gladiators makes it easier to battle 'em with giant puffy Q-tips things, n'est-ce pas?

outside freeman's diner

So, how did I get my butt in gear today?
  • I put on my workout gear as soon as I woke up
  • I told myself, "It's okay to walk. Hey, let's just go for a walk today!"
  • I put my shoes and North Face on just in case on my way down to drop off my recyclables
Lo and behold, after sorting metals and paper, I found myself walking out the door of my building. Walking for a few steps. Damn it's a nice day today. And then -- a run.

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Okay, I think I have totally nailed these ASCII divider thingies.

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Jog-a-log down Grand to East River Park, down the East River, and back up Clinton. Several sets of stairs at the grandstand and a few sprinting intervals. Followed by a nice hot tub.

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